Built-in Intelligence
The XStreamer™ is controlled by a simple yet powerful software that maximises hatchery performance with data. The software gives you complete control over each step of the hatching process by informing you which eggs are on board.
Embryo-Response Incubation
Petersime’s patented technology, the Embryo-Response Incubation, comes with each XStreamer™. This revolutionary technology protects the birds’ welfare and improves hatchability by mimicking how a parent bird listens and responds to the embryo’s signals. With the Embryo-Response Incubation, clients will receive top-tier chick quality and post-hatch performance.
Minimum Operational Cost
With the XStreamer™, our clients are guaranteed a user-friendly experience and decreased labour costs. Additionally, the high energy efficiency and optimum biosecurity are what make the XStreamer™ extraordinary. Moreover, you can expect reduced downtime due to its durable components and low maintenance quality.